Wednesday, 5 June 2013

15hp New Arrol-Johnston Car (Lambert & Butler Motors 14 of 25)


This is 14 of 25 in the Lambert & Butler Motors Series of Cigarette Cards issued in 1908. From the back of the card;

"15hp air-cooled engine, with special anti-freezing arrangements. Foot warmers heated by the exhaust gas. Tank at the side for melting the snow for drinking purposes, heated by exhaust gas. Folding wind shield made of talc. The construction of the driving wheels and of the runners speaks for itself. A Burberry weave cloth is carried in the car and is arranged to cover the whole vehicle, making a sort of tent"
The car shown and described is the New Arrol-Johnston taken with Shackleton to the Antarctic for his Nimrod expedition in 1907-1909. The car was supplied by Sir William Beardmore, head of the vast Beardmore empire (which included the Arrol-Johnston company) who was the major sponsor of the Nimrod expedition. For a more detailed account of Beardmore, and of this car and it's failings in Antarctica, see this link -

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